Create a stream

By default, all users other than guests can create streams. Administrators can restrict the ability to create a stream to specific roles.

If you are an administrator setting up streams for the first time, check out our guide to setting up streams for a new organization.

Create a stream

  1. Go to All streams.

  2. Click Create stream on the right, or click the plus () icon in the upper right.

  3. Fill out the requested info, and click Create in the bottom right corner of the create stream panel.

Note: You will only see the Create stream button if you have permission to create streams.

  1. Tap the Streams (hash) tab at the bottom of the app.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom, and tap ALL STREAMS.

  3. Tap the Create new stream button at the top of the app.

  4. Fill out the requested info, and tap Create.

Note: You will only see the Create new stream button if you have permission to create streams.

Stream options

There are several parameters you can set while creating a stream. All but Announce stream you can change later.

  • Stream name: Appears in the left sidebar for subscribed users. The stream name can be in any language, and can include spaces and other punctuation.

  • Stream description: Helps users decide whether to subscribe when they are browsing streams.

  • Announce new stream in the stream configured by your organization: Posts a message in the "new streams" topic advertising the new stream.

  • Who can access the stream?: See Stream permissions.

  • Default stream for new users: Whether new users will be automatically subscribed to the new stream.

  • Who can post to the stream?: See Stream permissions.

  • Who can unsubscribe others from this stream?: See Restrict stream membership management.

  • Message retention period: See Message retention policy.

  • Choose subscribers: You can copy the membership from an existing stream or user group, add all users, or enter users one by one.